Saturday, June 14, 2014

#slowchated moderator

Connections: Follow #SLOWCHATED on twitter

If someone told you they would give you a billion dollars but you wouldn't ever be able to be around other people again would you do it?  Absolutely not right?  This is because we are social people. We need relationships in our lives to make us happy.  We have family, friends, and work pals all who we share our lives with.  Life is not worth living if you don’t have people to create memories with.  That is why connecting with people is so important.  We need to build bonds and create relationships.  We need to matter to other people.  In Tara Brown’s article entitled 7 Strategies for Teachers to Connect with Students she states, “The research is clear: humans are literally “hard-wired” with the desire and need to connect.” 
            Teachers have contact with so many people.  Not just students, people.  The mass number of students, teachers, parents, administrators, support staff, and para professionals we interact with and is staggering!  Every interaction we have is a chance to connect with another human being.  How do we take advantage of every opportunity to make connections?  Sometimes it might just be a smile and a quick greeting.  You have coworkers that you have worked with for years and have no idea what they really are about We spend whole class periods teaching a student without recognizing they are an individual.  .  We walk by the same people every day without a clue who they really are.   
            You see teachers all the time who lost the connection to their students.  They forgot that tying your shoe really was the most difficult thing to do when you are five.  They forgot what it felt like to be nine and scared that they didn't know the answer when asked to go to the board and explain a problem in front of the class.  They forgot how good it felt when you were twelve and have the class laugh at something you said or did that may have been slightly inappropriate.  They forgot how important being and looking cool is to a teenager.  When you lose the connection with students your teaching suffers.
How can we make connections?  The first step is to realize that people matter.  Every person you interact with students, coworkers, custodians, parents or administrators matter.   Every time you have an interaction with a person you leave them with a feeling.  The most important feeling is validation.  The validation that they exist.  This can be accomplished by remembering something about them when you see them such as asking them how their son Jon did in his baseball game? Maybe a conversation with the custodian about what a great job they did.  It could be as simple as asking a student what their favorite music is. 
The most impactful thing I ever read was in one of the Chicken Soup books.  They talked about being the first one to smile.  Be the first one to smile and say hello to people.  You will be amazed at the responses you get back.  It seems that people are either scared or waiting for the other person to say something first.  Validate people.  Remember details about their lives. Say hello when you walk by people in the hallway. Say hello a hundred times in a row if you walk by one hundred students.  Just make a connection in any way you can.   
            Living is connecting.  The great teachers show the students they care.  The inspiring administrators connect to their staff by listening to them and supporting them as much as possible.  Prodigious schools consist of workers who are connected with the belief that their work benefits students.  Be a positive force in your school. Make connections with students, staff, and stakeholders.  You never know the impact you will have in someone’s life.
Readings to for improving connections with students:

Follow this weeks questions on #slowchated:
Q1What do you do to make connections with your students?
Q2 What are some ways that you connect with parents/guardians. What benefits have you seen from it?
Q3 What are the challenges with connecting ur content to the real world. How do you make ur subject authentic for the students?
Q4 How does your school create connections amongst the staff?
Q5 How does your administration positively connect with their staff?
Q6 What role does empathy play in connecting with people? Do students need to be taught how to form and maintain connections?

Q7 Why do you consider social networking connecting?

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